"Just Like The First Church"
Religious organizations and individuals often are heard saying the Church today should be " just like the first New Testament Church". Obviously they believe that the group they are associated with meets this definition or they would not be talking so much about this subject. I believe that they seek to pacify their pride and exclusivism by implementing this tactic as a means of isolating other " so-called " believers who do not qualify as the " true Church " like they do. A simple study of the Word of God will prove this religious theology to be nothing more than a lie. There is NO CHURCH TODAY that is like the Church found in Acts chapters 2 through 7. As a matter of fact, no Church that you read about in the Bible was ever identical to this first congregation of Believers. Not Galatia, not Corinth, not Phillipi, not Colosse, not Thessalonica, or any other mentioned in the Word. ALL Churches, however, are exact then and now including the one in Acts 2-7 in that they are made up of local congregations of believers who meet on the Lord's day to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth, but to say that a group of Believers on Earth today is identical to the first Church that existed after Pentecost is to perpetrate a religious lie. Here are some questions for those who believe and teach this theology; 1. Do the individuals in your assembly sell ALL their possessions and give the money to the Church leaders for distribution as needed (Ac. 2:45,4:34-35 )? 2. Do the preachers in your assembly heal the sick and smite backslidden Believers with instant death (Ac. 5:1-11 )? 3. Do the deacons in your assembly regularly perform miracles for all to see (Ac. 6:8 )? Furthermore,does your congregation exhibit the " signs " listed in Mark 16:17-18 that are in the same context as the " pattern " in verse 16? If your assembly does not meet these qualifications, you ARE NOT in a Church that is identical to the first one after Pentecost and you should IMMEDIATELY cease and desist from this false teaching.
Religious organizations and individuals often are heard saying the Church today should be " just like the first New Testament Church". Obviously they believe that the group they are associated with meets this definition or they would not be talking so much about this subject. I believe that they seek to pacify their pride and exclusivism by implementing this tactic as a means of isolating other " so-called " believers who do not qualify as the " true Church " like they do. A simple study of the Word of God will prove this religious theology to be nothing more than a lie. There is NO CHURCH TODAY that is like the Church found in Acts chapters 2 through 7. As a matter of fact, no Church that you read about in the Bible was ever identical to this first congregation of Believers. Not Galatia, not Corinth, not Phillipi, not Colosse, not Thessalonica, or any other mentioned in the Word. ALL Churches, however, are exact then and now including the one in Acts 2-7 in that they are made up of local congregations of believers who meet on the Lord's day to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth, but to say that a group of Believers on Earth today is identical to the first Church that existed after Pentecost is to perpetrate a religious lie. Here are some questions for those who believe and teach this theology; 1. Do the individuals in your assembly sell ALL their possessions and give the money to the Church leaders for distribution as needed (Ac. 2:45,4:34-35 )? 2. Do the preachers in your assembly heal the sick and smite backslidden Believers with instant death (Ac. 5:1-11 )? 3. Do the deacons in your assembly regularly perform miracles for all to see (Ac. 6:8 )? Furthermore,does your congregation exhibit the " signs " listed in Mark 16:17-18 that are in the same context as the " pattern " in verse 16? If your assembly does not meet these qualifications, you ARE NOT in a Church that is identical to the first one after Pentecost and you should IMMEDIATELY cease and desist from this false teaching.