Easy Believism
Often the ones who believe in Christ alone for salvation get accused of "making salvation too easy". The salvation-by-works crowd accuses us of preaching a Gospel that does not go far enough in it's demands upon the unbeliever.We don't make it "hard enough" to become saved, they say.We teach that "just believe in the death,burial,and resurrection of Jesus and that is enough to become saved". To these religious people who believe you "help God with your salvation" and that we make it too easy to be saved, I have some questions.What was easy about PRAYING UNTIL YOUR SWEAT BECAME AS GREAT DROPS OF BLOOD? What was easy about BEING BEATEN WITH A CAT-OF-NINE-TAILS UNTIL YOUR BODY WAS UNRECOGNIZABLE? What was easy about BEING MOCKED AND SCORNED BY RELIGIOUS AND HEATHEN PEOPLE AS YOU ARE GIVING YOUR LIFE FOR THEM? You see, the truth about salvation is that there was nothing easy about the price Jesus paid to OBTAIN ETERNAL REDEMPTION for us all(Heb.9:12). The truth is that individuals or groups of individuals that accuse us that believe in faith alone in Christ alone for salvation makes salvation "too easy" will one day find that this salvation is the only one given by God because the work has been done already by his ONLY BEGOTTEN SON.Fully trust in Christ for salvation and DO NOT be deceived by religion into EARNING instead of receiving this salvation.Salvation is not a paycheck, it is a gift.
Often the ones who believe in Christ alone for salvation get accused of "making salvation too easy". The salvation-by-works crowd accuses us of preaching a Gospel that does not go far enough in it's demands upon the unbeliever.We don't make it "hard enough" to become saved, they say.We teach that "just believe in the death,burial,and resurrection of Jesus and that is enough to become saved". To these religious people who believe you "help God with your salvation" and that we make it too easy to be saved, I have some questions.What was easy about PRAYING UNTIL YOUR SWEAT BECAME AS GREAT DROPS OF BLOOD? What was easy about BEING BEATEN WITH A CAT-OF-NINE-TAILS UNTIL YOUR BODY WAS UNRECOGNIZABLE? What was easy about BEING MOCKED AND SCORNED BY RELIGIOUS AND HEATHEN PEOPLE AS YOU ARE GIVING YOUR LIFE FOR THEM? You see, the truth about salvation is that there was nothing easy about the price Jesus paid to OBTAIN ETERNAL REDEMPTION for us all(Heb.9:12). The truth is that individuals or groups of individuals that accuse us that believe in faith alone in Christ alone for salvation makes salvation "too easy" will one day find that this salvation is the only one given by God because the work has been done already by his ONLY BEGOTTEN SON.Fully trust in Christ for salvation and DO NOT be deceived by religion into EARNING instead of receiving this salvation.Salvation is not a paycheck, it is a gift.